Measurement systems
Sometimes there exists a need for an automated measurement or testing system to a specific purpose. A well-designed measurement and testing system can take care of the automation, data collection, and reporting related to the actual testing process. At the same time, the need for manual labor is reduced clearly, and the automated testing system runs the process also outside normal office hours.
LabVIEW, developed by National Instruments, is the most common coding language in the world used in projects related to measurement and testing. Well-trained experts can tailor simple solutions to complex needs by using LabVIEW. With LabVIEW-based-solutions many different types measurands and measurement equipment can be combined under user-friendly interface by using National Instruments measurement devices and drivers.
If your company has a need for tailored measurement or testing system, maybe the experts of Toptester Oy can be of your assistance. We can help you in development of full system starting from choosing the measurement equipment for your needs all the way to ready LabVIEW interface and installation of the full system. Alternatively, we can be of your service in just pure LabVIEW coding work for your already existing equipment, or simply by recommending the suitable measurement equipment for your system utilizing the experience of our experts.